Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Your Homes Will Be a Shield for All Who Seek a Place of Safety
Message from God The Father to Robert Brasseur in Québec, Canada on November 2, 2024

Dear son,
I am the Light of the world and today darkness has invaded the world because My children have rejected Me.
Those who suffer today are those who are faithful to Me. The consequences of sin will be disastrous for many.
For years, My Daughter Mary has been asking each of My children to convert! ...
Alas! How many have turned to Me for help?
But, by My Grace and My Love, I will still save many of those who are currently still in darkness.
Pray intensely against the forces of evil! I must make the Fire of the Holy Spirit descend, to awaken the consciences that are asleep. Pray for those who are not yet ready to receive this Fire.
Through your prayers I will spare many places that should suffer the rays of My Justice.
Your homes will be a shield for all those who seek a place of safety and Love, because the earth will tremble with unprecedented magnitude.
Many will be in danger and without resources. The earth will swallow up many cities. Pray hard for those who are about to perish. This time is at hand.
Look at the events that are taking place! Nature will be unleashed even more intensely. Everything material will disappear to make way for My Love and My Divinity.
Dear child, thank you for listening. Be very merciful to all who will approach you and especially call out to you.
Your Father who fills you with all His Love as well as all those who are dear to you.